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No group of government genuinely has a really ideal picture in the U.S., however specifically is the congress. There are many hypotheses wit...

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How to Read a Meniscus in Lab Measurements

The meniscus is the curve seen at the top of a liquid in response to its container. The meniscus can be either concave or convex, depending on the surface tension of the liquid and its adhesion to the wall of the container. A concave meniscus occurs when the molecules of the liquid are more strongly attracted to the container than to each other. The liquid appears to stick to the edge of the container. Most liquids, including water, present a concave meniscus. A convex meniscus (sometimes called a backwards meniscus) is produced when the molecules of the liquid are more strongly attracted to each other than to the container. A good example of this shape of meniscus can be seen with mercury in a glass container. In some cases, the meniscus appears flat (e.g., water in some plastics). This makes taking measurements easy. How to Take Measurements With a Meniscus When you read a scale on the side of a container with a meniscus, such as a graduated cylinder or volumetric flask, its important that the measurement accounts for the meniscus. Measure so that the line you are reading is even with the center of the meniscus. For water and most liquids, this is the bottom of the meniscus. For mercury, take the measurement from the top of the meniscus. In either case, you are measuring based on the center of the meniscus. For a flat meniscus, make sure the liquid is level. Usually placing the container on a lab bench does the trick. You wont be able to take an accurate reading looking up at the liquid level or down into it. Get eye level with the meniscus. You can either pick up the glassware to bring it to your level or else bend down to take measurements in situations where youre concerned with dropping the container or spilling its contents. Use the same method to take measurements each time so that any errors you make will be consistent. Fun Fact: The word meniscus comes from the Greek word for crescent. This makes good sense, considering the shape of a meniscus. In case youre wondering, the plural of meniscus is menisci.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Battle of Marathon Free Essays

The battle of Marathon is one of history’s most famous military engagements. It is also one of the earliest recorded battles. Their victory over the Persian invaders gave the fledgling Greek city states confidence in their ability to defend themselves and belief in their continued existence. We will write a custom essay sample on Battle of Marathon or any similar topic only for you Order Now The battle is therefore considered a defining moment in the development of European culture. In September of 490 BC a Persian armada of 600 ships disgorged an invasion force of approximately 20,000 infantry and cavalry on Greek soil just north of Athens. Their mission was to crush the Greek states in retaliation for their support of their Ionian cousins who had revolted against Persian rule. Undaunted by the numerical superiority of the invaders, Athens mobilized 10,000 hoplite warriors to defend their territory. The two armies met on the Plain of Marathon twenty-six miles north of Athens. The flat battlefield surrounded by hills and sea was ideal for the Persian cavalry. Surveying the advantage that the terrain and size of their force gave to the Persians, the Greek generals hesitated. One of the Greek generals – Miltiades – made a passionate plea for boldness and convinced his fellow generals to attack the Persians. Miltiades ordered the Greek hoplites to form a line equal in length to that of the Persians. Then – in an act that his enemy believed to be complete madness – he ordered his Greek warriors to attack the Persian line at a dead run. In the ensuing melee, the middle of the Greek line weakened and gave way, but the flanks were able to engulf and slaughter the trapped Persians. An estimated 6,400 Persians were slaughtered while only 192 Greeks were killed. The remaining Persians escaped on their ships and made an attempt to attack what they thought was an undefended Athens. However, the Greek warriors made a forced march back to Athens and arrived in time to thwart the Persians. â€Å"With you it rests, Callimachus† – Indecision before battle Known as the â€Å"Father of History†, Herodotus wrote his description of the battle a few years after it occurred. We join his account as the Athenians arrive at the battleground and are joined by a force of approximately 1000 of their Plataean allies. The Greek military leaders split on whether they should immediately attack the invaders or wait for reinforcements: ADVERTISMENT â€Å"The Athenians were drawn up in order of battle in a sacred close belonging to Heracles, when they were joined by the Plataeans, who came in full force to their aid. The Athenian generals were divided in their opinions. Some advised not to risk a battle, because they were too few to engage such a host as that of the Persians. Others were for fighting at once. Among these last was Miltiades. He therefore, seeing that opinions were thus divided, and that the less worthy counsel appeared likely to prevail, resolved to go to the polemarch [an honored dignitary of Athens], and have a conference with him. For the man on whom the lot fell to be polemarch at Athens was entitled to give his vote with the ten generals, since anciently the Athenians allowed him an equal right of voting with them. The polemarch at this juncture was Callimachus of Aphidnre; to him therefore Miltiades went, and said: ‘With you it rests, Callimachus, either to bring Athens to slavery, or, by securing her freedom, to be remembered by all future generations. For never since the time that the Athenians became a people were they in so great a danger as now. If they bow their necks beneath the yoke of the Persians, the woes which they will have to suffer†¦ are already determined. If, on the other hand, they fight and overcome, Athens may rise to be the very first city in Greece. ‘ ‘We generals are ten in number, and our votes are divided: half of us wish to engage, half to avoid a combat. Now, if we do not fight, I look to see a great disturbance at Athens which will shake men’s resolutions, and then I fear they will submit themselves. But, if we fight the battle before any unsoundness shows itself among our citizens,†¦ we are well able to overcome the enemy. ‘ ‘On you therefore we depend in this matter, which lies wholly in your own power. You have only to add your vote to my side and your country will be free – and not free only, but the first state in Greece. Or, if you prefer to give your vote to them who would decline the combat, then the reverse will follow. ‘ Miltiades by these words gained Callimachus; and the addition of the polemarch’s vote caused the decision to be in favor of fighting. ‘† The Battle Begins Miltiades arranges the Greek line of battle so that it stretches the length of the opposing, and far superior, Persian army. Then, much to the surprise of the Persians, he orders the Greek warriors to charge headlong into the enemy line. â€Å"The Athenians†¦ charged the barbarians at a run. Now the distance between the two armies was little short of eight furlongs [approximately a mile] The Persians, therefore, when they saw the Greeks coming on at speed, made ready to receive them, although it seemed to them that the Athenians were bereft of their senses, and bent upon their own destruction; for they saw a mere handful of men coming on at a run without either horsemen or archers. Such was the opinion of the barbarians; but the Athenians in close array fell upon them, and fought in a manner worthy of being recorded. They were the first of the Greeks, so far as I know, who introduced the custom of charging the enemy at a run, and they were likewise the first who dared to look upon the Persian garb, and to face men clad in that fashion. Until this time the very name of the Persians had been a terror to the Greeks to hear. The two armies fought together on the plain of Marathon for a length of time; and in the mid-battle the barbarians were victorious, and broke and pursued the Greeks into the inner country; but on the two wings the Athenians and the Plataeans defeated the enemy . Having so done, they suffered the routed barbarians to fly at their ease, and joining the two wings in one, fell upon those who had broken their own center, and fought and conquered them. These likewise fled, and now the Athenians hung upon the runaways and cut them down, chasing them all the way to the shore, on reaching which they laid hold of the ships and called aloud for fire. † The Persians Attack Athens Miltiades arranges the Greek line of battle so that it stretches the length of the opposing, and far superior, Persian army. Then, much to the surprise of the Persians, he orders the Greek warriors to charge headlong into the enemy line. â€Å"†¦ the Athenians secured in this way seven of the vessels; while with the remainder the barbarians pushed off, and taking aboard their Eretrian prisoners from the island where they had left them, doubled Cape Sunium, hoping to reach Athens before the return of the Athenians. The Persians accordingly sailed round Sunium. But the Athenians with all possible speed marched away to the defense of their city, and succeeded in reaching Athens before the appearance of the barbarians†¦ The barbarian fleet arrived, and lay to off Phalerum, which was at that time the haven of Athens; but after resting awhile upon their oars, they departed and sailed away to Asia. † References: Herodotus’s account appears in: Davis, William Sterns, Readings in Ancient History (1912); Creasy, Edward, The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World (1969). How to cite Battle of Marathon, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Innovation and Product Innovation in Marketing Strategy

Question: Discuss about the Innovation and Product Innovation in Marketing Strategy. Answer: Introduction: Founded in the year of 1976, Apple is one of the most recognized multinational technology organizations of America, dealing with the production, development and the sale of the consumer electronics, software and online services (Civi, 2013). However, despite the recognition, the company has achieved, it is likely to encounter tough competition from the rival forces, like Samsung or Google. Hence, the organization should not only formulate innovative strategies, but for the successful implementation of the same, the organization is required to conduct a realistic assessment of its internal resources. Internal Environmental Analysis: The internal analysis of an organization is done by identifying as well as evaluating the resources, core competencies and capabilities of the organization. In order to comprehend the internal environment in which Apple is conducting its business, the SWOT analysis can help in evaluating two internal factors, strength and weakness of the organization. First of all, as far as the strength of the organization is concerned, innovation is the key word defining each product of Apple. The management authority of the organization strives to excel and thereby distinguish itself from the arch rivals, such as Samsung or Motorolla. With the production of MacBook, Iphone or Ipad, the organization has been producing products which boast of the application of novel ideas (Boone Kurtz, 2013). The rival organizations can only imitate, but may have hard time replacing an Apple product. Next, the organization has always associated its brand name with a sense of sophistication, so that each product after its release in the consumer market always enjoys much hype and positive response. The strong brand image that Apple possesses is expected to help it dominate the consumer market over the next years as well. The sophisticated supply chain infrastructure as well as the distribution system also favors the growth of Apple. With as many as 470 stores in 17 countries of the world, Apple Inc. sells via a variety of channels, such as the trade partners, online stores as well as the premium retail stores (Kanagal, 2015). Besides, the organization is also known for offering unrivalled consumer service to its customers with the help of the Apple genius bar. Apart from these factors, the financial strength and the high profitability of the organization is also a source of strength for the organization. In fact, the fact that Apple Inc. is the first organization to have crossed 700 billion dollars, and to have emerged as the largest public traded organization in the entire world, helps the organization gain competitive advantage over rival forces (Wenzel Voigt, 2015). On the other hand, as far as the weakness of the organization is concerned, the major issue with Apple is that the company charges an enormous amount of money, and as a result, the organization may lose a major share of market to the competitors, such as Samsung or LG, whic h offers the products at much lower price (Fisher Gee, 2013). Another major weakness of the organization is the incompatibility of the Apple products with any other third-party software or accessory that ultimately ends up limiting the experience of the consumers. Besides, Apple also has a very limited number of products, and hence its consumer market is also quite limited, in comparison with its competitors. However, despite the weakness, it is noteworthy that the core competencies such as brand loyalty, unrivalled consumer service, or the strong marketing teams help the organization gain competitive advantage (Heracleos, 2013). The organization hires highly qualified employees, such as Jeff Williams, who have always enables the introduction and promotion of innovation products. Findings of the Strategic Analysis and the Key Issues: From the external and internal environment analysis of Apple, it has been seen that Apple does enjoy a competitive position in the consumer market, though it does encounter strong competition from some of the rival giants. The organization, although well-equipped in the path of innovation, it should consider the option of offering a wide range of products, that will help in expanding the target market (Agrawal, Atasu V Ittersum, 2015). The target market of the organization mainly constitutes upper and upper middle strata of an economy, and hence, companies such as Samsung or Motorola, can easily attract consumer attention by producing a wide range of differently priced products. Besides, though innovation is the unique selling point of Apple Inc., since the recent years, the organization is not offering anything called innovative. For instance, apart from the Force Touch application, the iPhone 6 could not boast of any innovative feature (Civi, 2013). Similarly, the Apple TV was als o offering nothing much, except the same apps such as Amazon Firestick and Chromecast, which are already present in any other smart television set. Given the threat of new entrants quite high, Apple may not be able to retain its position, even if it can survive. Oppo, Microsoft, Google and Samsung offer tough competition to the organization (Agrawal, Atasu V Ittersum, 2015). Although, in the developing countries, there is a greater demand for the Apple phones, with the increase of telecommunications regulations in these countries, the usability of the products can be limited (Sepulveda, 2013). Conclusion: Since innovation is the key quality that distinguishes the brand identity of Apple, the company should keep on producing innovative products. Of late, Apple has not offered a disruptive product, and the organization is primarily obsessed with making the products thinner and lighter or offering Live Photos features, which are not highly innovative. Apple, for ensuring robust growth in the future, must invest for producing innovation in the iPhone products that accounts two-third of revenue. Apple can still invest in R D activities for producing waterproof iPhones, more durable phones, better battery technology and built-in health sensors, and gesture control that can easily help the organization offer unique products to the consumers. The organization should also consider slashing the price of the products, as unless the organization reduces its price, it will be incapable of competing with companies such as Google, Samsung or Motorola, that offer products for a wide range of consume rs. The premium pricing strategy with no innovative features in the products offered, will not work out for Apple. In order to regain its indomitable position in the consumer market, Apple may consider partnering with the inexpensive brands such as Target, for the purpose of customizing their watch bands. THe organization literally needs to improve its consumer experience, by disrupting the present market. Besides, the organization is also required to improve upon its marketing aspects, as the company is required to inform its consumers why a product is relevant for a particular user. Reference List: Agrawal, V. V., Atasu, A., Van Ittersum, K. (2015). Remanufacturing, third-party competition, and consumers' perceived value of new products.Management Science,61(1), 60-72. Boone, L. E., Kurtz, D. L. (2013).Contemporary marketing. Cengage learning. Civi, E. (2013). Marketing strategies to survive in a recession.International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets,5(3), 254-267. David, F., David, F. R. (2016). Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases. Fisher III, W. W., Oberholzer-Gee, F. (2013). Strategic management of intellectual property.California management review,55(4), 157-183. Heracleous, L. (2013). Quantum Strategy at Apple Inc.Organizational Dynamics,42(2), 92-99. Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R. (2013).Strategic management theory. South-Western/Cengage Learning. Kanagal, N. B. (2015). Innovation and product innovation in marketing strategy.Journal of Management and marketing research,18, 1-25. Sepulveda, R. (2013).U.S. Patent No. D673,974. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Wenzel, H., Voigt, S. (2016).Correlation between Corporate Culture and Corporate Strategy: Google vs. Apple and Daimler vs. Siemens. GRIN Verlag.a